New This Year
We engaged Synergy Healthcare to manage the Employee Wellness program replacing Discover Health. In 2022, employees will benefit by paying lower medical plan payroll deductions when they meet Synergy’s wellness requirements.
By April 1, 2022, employees must complete a Synergy Health Assessment and send Synergy their biometric screening results. They must also maintain contact with a Synergy Advocate as requested throughout the year.
Employees must have a preventive Primary Care Visit by November 30, 2022 in order to keep the lowest per paycheck cost for coverage in 2023.
Health Plan Changes Include:
- Cigna’s Specialty Pharmacy will offer a program to lower member cost by taking full advantage of manufacturer coupons.
- Specialty drugs are quite expensive and members must get them from the Cigna Specialty Pharmacy.
- The most commonly used Specialty Drugs are for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Flexible Spending Accounts
Flores & Associates will administer Flexible Spending Accounts.
Remember, you must declare your FSA elections each year. When you elect amounts for 2022, you will be sent a new debit card with information about how to access your money.